Come and discover Cassino!

Cassino is ubicated on a plain intersected by some isolated elevations such as Mount Trocchio and Mount Porchio. Some mountain ranges surround it; the Mount Meta massif, the Mainarde massif on the northern side, and the Aurunci Mountains on the southern side.
The area is particularly rich in waterways. The river Rapido, which flows from the western side of the Mainarde range, meets the river Gari in Sant’Angelo in Theodice. In the North-West there is the river Liri, which comes from Roveto Valley and joins the river Sacco in the territory of San Giovanni Incarico, creating a small lake. Then the rivers Liri, Melfa and Gari flow together into the river Garigliano that empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea, near Minturno.

Cassino and its history
Cassino rase on the slope of the Massif of Mount Cairo, at a very strategic point in the Liri Valley which had been the very crossroads both for trade routes and transhumance since prehistoric times. Between the end of 6th century and the beginning of 5th century BC, the area experienced the passeges of the Volscian people who were aiming to conquer the fertile Pontine Valley


Rocca Janula

The Battle of Montecassino and the places of the memory
The Battle of Montecassino and the places of the memory

The Stone Memory
The Stone Memory

Natural Attractions
Natural Attractions

Cassino and its University Center
Cassino and its University Center
Cassino owns an important university center. The Public University of Cassino was born in 1979. It included degrees such as Teaching, Economics, and Mechanical Engineering. Today, the “Università degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale” (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio) counts about 12,000 enrolled students coming from Lazio and the surrounding regions.